Effect of Low Phosphorus and Potassium Diets versus Sevelamer Medication on Rats with Renal Failure: Comparative Study

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Department of nutrition and food sciences ,Faculty of home economics, Menoufia university, Sbeen Elkoom, Egypt

2 Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences,Faculty of Home Economic, Menoufia University, Shibin El-kom, Egypt

3 Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt


The present study aimed to assess the effect of low phosphorus and potassium diets in comparison with sevelamer carbonate (SC) medication which does the same effect. Forty-eight male albino rats weighing 280 ± 10g were randomly classified into six groups (8 rats each) The first group served as a negative control group, fed on a basal diet only. The other five groups were fed on a basal diet containing 0.25% w/w adenine daily for 35 days to induce renal failure Then, rats reclassified into 5 groups which were positive control and treated rat groups that were sevelamer carbonate medication 1000 mg/kg/day, the rest of the three subgroups of rat fed experimental diet containing 25, 50 and 75% of their low nutritional needs of phosphorous and potassium. The treatment period is designed for twelve weeks. Results showed that feeding RF rats with 25, 50 and 75% of RPK prevent the increase in hyperphosphatemia and hyperkalemia. The results revealed that levels of fibroblast growth factor 23 enzyme, parathyroid hormone, renin enzyme and insulin intolerance were decreased compared with the negative group and RF rats treated with SC. Subsequently, improvement in the kidney functions of all treated groups were exhibited. In conclusion, feeding with 50% of RPK is effective in improving kidney functions in renal failure rats.


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