Studying The Elements Of The Effective Electronic Advertising On Increasing Efficacy Of Apparel Marketing

Document Type : Original research articles



:The research aims to shed light on the importance of advertising and e-marketing for garments and the most important design principles that are relied upon to provide advertising and so by highlighting the importance of the garment industry and to identify the problems and how to address them and strengthen their competitiveness as well as to emphasize the advantage of using modern technological means (Internet) in the marketing of readymade Garments in Egypt to keep up with developments and changes in the market and to identify the determinants of the success of e-marketing, which may be would facilitate the open areas and new markets for the Egyptian product and the possibility of marketed worldwide through a global system united for the benefit of the Egyptian economy.
The study also illustrated what is e-marketing and online advertising and the most important types of advertising and online forms and the role of each type and determine how to use these types within the pages of the site.
The study has also studied the constituent elements for the design of online advertising and the impact of each element of the success of advertising and through: Preparing advertising models proposed action and a questionnaire was presented to the sample of the study and then work a statistical treatment of her was the most important findings: -

· That the model Advertisement first proposal was the most influential and top Tzakra of the content of the advertising message by the sample due to reasons in Tovranasser design of colors and movement and image and logo and the way we communicate with the advertiser and then come to form Advertisement second and then the third and fourth
· It is then confirmed research that the elements of the design of advertising (color, movement and image and logo) have a significant impact in attracting the attention of the browser for the announcement and remember the content of the advertising message and thus has an impact on the success of advertising and thus increase the effectiveness of marketing of garments and then interact with the ad and the advertiser and a decision to buy.

Main Subjects