The Role Of Children In The Buying Decision Of The Family From The Perspective Of Mothers

Document Type : Original research articles



The research aims mainly to identify the role of children in the decision-making of the family from the perspective of mothers Oversold family also aware of mothers , and included study tools to a questionnaire the role of children in the decision-making Oversold family also aware of the mothers , was applied study tools on a sample of 500 heads of household levels of economic and social different , and study tools included on the form the raw data and which contains a set of data to which each set of demographic factors associated with the family and others respect to demographic factors related to the child , and may study followed the descriptive analytical method                     .

The study results that : - that there is a positive correlation between the age of the child and of the total axes decision Oversold of the Egyptian family and that when the level of significance 0.001 , results also indicate that there is a positive correlation between the sex of the child and of the total decision-making Oversold of the family and that when the level of significance of 0.001 , and the results showed that there is a positive correlation between the grade of the child and of the total axes decision Oversold and when the level of significance of 0.001 , and the results showed the presence of correlation inverse of the order of the child within the family and between total axes Oversold decision for the family and that when the level of significance of 0.001 .
The results also indicated that there is a positive correlation between total axes decision Oversold of the family and marriage duration at 0.01 level of significance . The results also indicate that there is a negative correlation between family size and the total decision-making Oversold of the Egyptian family and that when the level of significance 0.001 a .. It also shows the existence of a positive correlation between total axes decision Oversold of the Egyptian family and the business of the goddess of the family and when 0.001 level of significance .          

This has been reached following recommendations : - The need to educate parents how effective role played by children in the decision-making Oversold , which required him attention for this role , and the need to take into account to be places of recreation and entertainment far from shopping areas where their presence next to each makes a child reality under the influence of different products and sales inducements , urged parents to take advantage of the shopping times by the children and make them take the opportunity to be trained on the practice Alflaho need to stick to their role in the guidance of parents and awareness and guidance for their children . 

Main Subjects