Awareness With Some Resources Management And Its Relationship By Life Satisfaction Among The Wives In Extended Families.

Document Type : Original research articles



targeted research to examine the relationship between consciousness manages some resources and life satisfaction among wives of extended families . The sample of the research ( 250 ) rural living in an extended family of wife has been selected sample object- way intentional and formed search tool of your wife and her raw data form, awareness of the management of some of the resources of the four Bmhaorh questionnaire , satisfaction questionnaire about life Bmhaorh discharged and Taboubaha and scheduling and statistically analyzed using (SPSS) program and keep track of this research descriptive and analytical approach .
The most important findings of the study:The research found that a relationship exists correlation is positive statistically significant between consciousness questionnaire axes manages some resources and axes satisfaction questionnaire about life at the level of significance (0.01), and a relationship correlation is negative between the number of children and all of the awareness of time management, awareness of management effort straight at significant (0.01, 0.05), respectively, the lack of correlation statistically significant between the number of extended family members and total awareness of the management of some resources, having a correlation is positive statistically significant between the monthly income of the family relationship and both the economic satisfaction, satisfaction with psychological, total satisfaction about life, and there is a positive correlation statistically significant relationship between the wife's career and all of the (management awareness income, awareness of the management of the property, total awareness of running some of the resources),And no statistically significant between the mean wives differences research sample of workers and non- workers in the awareness of the management of income at the level of significance ( 0.01 ) for the benefit of workers, lack of statistically significant differences between the mean wives differences research sample of workers and non- workers in the satisfaction questionnaire about life Bmhaorh three , lack of statistically D. contrast between wives research sample in life satisfaction three Bmhaorh depending on the number of children,There is statistically significant variation between wives research sample in both the (economic satisfaction psycho-satisfaction total life satisfaction) at the level of significance (0.01, 0.05, 0.01), respectively, depending on the categories of monthly income.
The recommendations of the study:- Developing guidance programs for wives in general and married in extended families, in particular, showing them how to administration to the affairs of their families scientifically sound, organize awareness programs and media campaigns targeting the wives and how to deal with the problems that Tusbandn with family and with the affairs of their lives, until you have a high level of satisfaction life, the importance of a polygamous behavior Administrative proper, which enable it to present and future, the importance of the independence of children and rely on themselves so that they have the expertise and ability to solve problems Tusbandm whether social problems, economic or family, should the wife be the decision maker in her home and in control of their environment because it made her feel happy and satisfied.
* Find derived from the Master 's thesis entitled "Awareness with some  resources management and its relationship by life  satisfaction among the wives in extended families.," the researcher No. (4) under the supervision of researchers (1) , (2) , (3) .

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