A Study Of The Impact Of Some Sporting Drinks On Some Vital Signs In Athletes.

Document Type : Original research articles



Over the past 15 years, many scientific papers have extensively reviewed the effects of exercise-induced body weight loss on endurance performance and physiological functions. The general and common message conveyed by those papers is that exercise-induced body weight loss significantly impairs endurance performance. For instance, from 1996 to 2006, the American College of Sports Medicine’s Position Stand on Exercise and Fluid Replacement recommended that "during exercise athletes should consume fluids at a rate sufficient to replace the water lost through sweating or consume the maximum amount that can be tolerated.” In their 2007 update of this position stand, the American College of Sports Medicine slightly altered their message and this time proposed that “dehydration >2% of body weight degrades aerobic exercise performance in temperate-warm-hot environments and that greater levels of dehydration will further degrade aerobic exercise performance.”(Goulet 2012)(Shirreffs 2009)
The main aims of sports drink consumption do vary according to the exercise situation, but, from a hydration point of view, are likely to be one or more of the following: to speed rehydration, to stimulate rapid fluid absorption, to reduce the physiological stress of exercise and to promote recovery after exercise.
Objective: The present study investigated the impact of some sporting  drinks on some vital signs in athletes.
Design: Cross-sectional study, 27athlete child and adolescent from both sexes joined the design, all childrenand adolescent were interviewed for food intake , anthropometric measurements and body composition were taken. A random of participants were chosen to follow a sports drinks routine for 3 months by divided into three group each group drinks a type of sports drink (1) water drink group (2) natural drink group (3) artificial drink group . Tests and measurements was taken before and after intervention .Data for this study was accomplished in the period from April 2015 to June 2015.   
Results: - Results indicated that there were positive relationship between anthropometric measurements,body compositions and sports drinks. There was high significant difference between the water and  natural drink groups and athletesheight before and after intervention, and significant difference between the artificial drink group and athletes weight before and after intervention. There waspositiverelationshipwitha  significant difference between the artificial drink group and fat percentage before and after intervention, Bones weight was significant at natural drink group and at the artificial drink group.
Keywords:Sports drink - Vital signs  - Athlete - performance tests.
 Asmeanwhile water percentage was not significant difference with sport drink groups.
There were highly significant deference between diastolic and systolic blood pressure and sport drink groups. While heart rate and body temperature were not difference before and after intervention for all sport drink groups. considering performance tests, there were high significant difference between each drink type and abdominal exercise , push up exercise and run. 44.4 % of the athletes consumed ≥ 15% of their energy from protein ,74.1 % of the athletes consumed < 50% of their energy from carbohydrate and 66.7 % of the children consumed ≥ 30 % of their energy from fat.
Conclusion:-We found a direct relationship between the sport drinks consumption and the measurement of systolic pressure and diastolic players while did not appear any relationship between the sport drinks and players body temperature or pulse, results also showed that when playerswell hydrated reflecting positively on their performance. However, furtherresearches are required due to rarity of this research in the Middle East in general and Egypt in particular.


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