The Effectiveness Of An Indicative Mentoring Program For Thedevelopment Of Awareness Of Mothers With Quality Standards Of Interior Design Elements For Child's Room With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Document Type : Original research articles



This research aims to develop, implement and evaluate of a mentoring program for the development of awareness of mothers with quality standards of interior design elements for Child's room , Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The basic study sample consisted of (86) mother of a child (ADHD) selected deliberately  as they  have  children between the ages of 6 to 9 years with disorder attention deficit associated with excessive kinesthetic  activity, impulsivity, and they are from different socioeconomic and educational levels from Greater Cairo governorate. The experimental study sample consisted of (19) mother from the lower class of the basic  sample with low awareness of quality standards of interior design elements to a room of their children (ADHD). The research tools included the general information form, scale awareness of quality standards of interior design elements for  Child’s room (ADHD), the mentoring program for the development of awareness of mothers with quality standards of interior design elements for Child's (ADHD) (preparation of the researchers), The research adopted the descriptive methodology, and the experimental methodology.
The results showed that the level of awareness of mothers with quality standards of interior design elements for Child's room (ADHD) is average, with a rate of 75.60%, awareness of standards quality of furniture, accessories and coordination comes in the first ranking, followed by the standards quality awareness   of Determinants and vacuum slots of the Interior design, and finally the awareness of the standards quality of lighting and colors.
    The results also showed the existence of sadistically significant variance on the significance level of 0.05- 0.01 in the averages of Awareness of Mothers basic research sample in quality standards of interior design elements for their  Children's room (ADHD) altering  some of the social and economic level and The variables of the children in favor of  (the least duration of marriage , educational and professional top-level parents , the income and the size of Average family, the age of the eldest child, the order of the  first and  middle son , the presence of another child ADHD w within the family and relatives), and the presence of statistically significant differences at the level of significance 0.01 between experimental research sample individuals in the averages of awareness of quality standards of interior design elements for the room of their children (ADHD) before and after the application of the mentoring program prepared for the dimensional measurement, and results showed that the most influential factors in the awareness  of quality standards of interior design elements for room Child (ADHD) is the order of the child, followed by the educational level of the father, then the child's age and finally the professional level of the father.

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