Technique Of Using The Family Goddess Of Social Networking And Its Relationship To Family Problems

Document Type : Original research articles



Targeted research to examine the relationship between the method of use of the family goddess of the social networks of family and the problems they face, and is determined by the research problem in trying to determine the relationship between the method of use of the family goddess of the social networks of family and the problems they face Bmahorha, sample consisted search of human limits "sample" was Taking a sample of (120) wife married spouse resident with her in the same house, and have sons and using social networks and different economic and social levels, spatial boundaries: The sample was collected from the western province of psoriasis way object-, time limits: The field application during the month of January 2015 m., consisted of the search tool: public data form for the family, the style of head of the household to use social networking questionnaire, questionnaire family problems, (all of which are prepared by the researcher.
Summary of the main findings of the research:
- And no statistically significant differences between the heads of the research sample households (total technique of using the family goddess of social networking and the problems of waste and loss of time, economic problems, family problems and the total family problems) depending on the work of the head of the household "is not working -taml) in favor of heads of household workers, - There were no statistically significant differences between heads of households in the sample (marital problems), depending on the work of the head of the household "is not working –taml ).
- And no statistically significant differences between the heads of the research sample households (wasting and loss of time and the total family problems problems) depending on the venue of the goddess of the families of the research sample of "countryside - attended" in favor of the heads of households urban, - that there were no statistically significant differences between female heads of household sample Find the rest of the axes of family problems (the total use of family style housewife social networking, economic problems, marital problems, family problems) depending on the venue housewife household sample of "countryside - attended."
-ugod Contrast statistically significant in each of the total technique of using the family goddess of social networking and the problem of wasting and loss of time and economic problems and the total family problems depending on the number of hours of use of female-headed households sample social networking, all in favor of the number of the most hours in the use of function.
- The presence of D. contrast statistically economic problems and the total family problems depending on the level of monthly income of the family and all of a function for the benefit of the highest level of monthly income for the family, - the lack of D. contrast statistically significant in all of (the total use of the family goddess of social networks, the problem of loss and waste of time, marital problems and family problems.
Research Recommendations: In the light of the outcome of the current research results
- Hold the necessary courses by various state institutions to educate people of the importance of social networks and introduce them to the optimum way to use these networks or sites
- Work seminars on the pros and cons to use social networking to family members, especially young people in adolescence with the selection of head of the household that is beneficial to their children, and is consistent with the customs and traditions of Egyptian society

Main Subjects