The Nutritional Awareness of Preparatory Stage Students And it's Relationship to their Consumption Behavior

Document Type : Original research articles



   Consumption numbers have doubled in recent years, reaching the highest rates and this increase in consumption is a major cause of inhabitation the economic development plans. The present research aims to study the relationship between nutritional awareness and consumption  behavior of the students in middle school, the study sample  has represented in 200 female students from different economic and socio-cultural levels from schools of Cairo and Qaliubiya provinces , nutritional awareness questionnaire for students was applied about (55 phrases) represents the students attitude  about nutritional awareness and a student's consumption  behavior questionnaire, a group of phrases (34 phrases) represent student's consumption  behavior, the data  has been processing statistically using SPSS software and T.test  and Unilateral variation analysis test. the results analysis found a statistically significant differences between the study sample in consumption behavior in accordance with both (expense type - the value of the expense - the mother educational level - the family income level), and there are significant differences between the study sample in nutritional awareness according to each of (type of expense - the father educational level - the mother educational level – the family income level). There is also statistically significant correlation between nutritional awareness and consumption behavior of the sample's members. The study recommends teaching consumption rationalize and nutrition education for different age stages and educates children and encourages them to follow the correct nutritional and consumption behaviors. 

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