The Cultural Identity and Its Relation with Interior Design for Newlyweds House

Document Type : Original research articles



The aim of the study todetecting the level of cultural identity for the newly married, studying the interior design of dwelling of the newly married, studying the correlation between the socio-economic level variables of the families of the newly married couples and their cultural identity and the interior design (husband's age - wife's age - number of years of marriage - the number of family members), clarifying the correlation between cultural identity and interior design of the dwelling of the newly married according to social and economic variables, evaluating the differences between newly married couples in the cultural identity and interior design according to (place of residence - the wife's work ), the interpretation of the contrast between the newly married in the cultural identity and interior design according to (the level of education of the couple - family income - the number of years of marriage).
 The study tools included: the general data form for the newly married, a questionnaire to measure the cultural identity, a questionnaire to measure the elements of the design of the interior of the dwelling of the newly married elements. The tools of the study were applied on a sample of (200) women from the newly-married couples in each of the centers and villages of Menoufia Governorate, and from different social and economic levels. The sample was selected in an intentional and objective way. The researchers stipulated that the sample be from the newly married for not more than five years.The data were analyzed using a program AhsaibaSpss.
The most important findings of the study included: There is no statistically significant correlation between the cultural identity of the newly-married women the study sample and the interior design for their homes, there is no correlation statistically significant between both of the educational level of the wife and family income, cultural identity to have , there is a positive correlation statistically significant between the number of years of marriage and the interior design at level (0.05) , there is no correlation statistically significant between both the educational level of the husband and wife educational and family income and the interior design of homes of newly-married women, there are differences statistically significant in the averages of the cultural identity of scores of newly-married women according to place of residence (rural- urban) at the level of (0.05) in favor of the women sample study from urban areas, there are differences statistically significant in averages of interior design for the newly-married women according to place of residence (rural- urban) at the level of significance (0.01), there are differences statistically significant in the averages of the cultural identity of the newly-married women depending on the type of family (nuclear- complex) at the level of significance (0.001) in favor of the newly-married women living in nuclear families, there are no statistical differences in the averages of interior design for the newly-married women depending on the type of family (nuclear- complex), there are no statistical differences in the averages both of the cultural identity and interior design of the newly-married women according to the wife's work (working/ non-working), there is no variation statistically significant in Both of the cultural identityand the selection of design the newly-married women's dwelling depending on wife's education The researcher recommended that the introduction of a new model that combines Western designs Egyptian designs so as not to overshadow model them on the other and keeps the Egyptian heritage from extinction*
* This research is derived from the Master's Thesis by Mai Said Ibrahim Mustafa El-Deeb entitled “Cultural Identity and its Relationship with Interior Design for Newlyweds House”.

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