The possibility of Benefiting From the Art of Origami in making Innovative Technical Works And its application in The Field of Small Industries

Document Type : Original research articles



Love of beauty and adornment instinct in human at all stages of his or her own uses, including happenstance for beautifying and decorated it and decorate his house, and art works in general, a figment of home decorating, and highlights the exploitation of local environmental raw materials and means of processing methods, Considered ground to serve the small and medium industries which need to continuously renew was adopted Find this on some of the modern techniques used in the production of artifacts using the art of origami (folding paper) and applied to the cloth in the work of craft items artistic innovative, well-designed his high artistic value to convert potential energy into energies producing a quick benefit the owners and contribute to increased national income to Keep pace with technological development rapid and at the lowest cost
Find cared current technical innovation craft items using the art of origami, to enrich the field of artistic works, which aims to:
- Enrich the field of technical works because of the respect of the use of new technology in the art of origami.
- The introduction of new technical designs based on the art of origami have the ability to compete techniques.
- Get innovative designs can be developed in the work of works of art to keep up with contemporary trends with a view to the development of small industries.
It was developed 18 innovative design limited study on the use of the art of origami techniques for the purpose of enriching the field of technical works have been adapted in the work (Napkin- Pillow - paintings - curtain - a bouquet of roses - Vase) using various techniques (Origami (Folding fabric) - Vaccination beaded Loly - outstanding print - burning by using caustic welding - cut laser) to give aesthetic touch that combines tradition and modernity, has been brought before arbitrators professors and the 20 arbitrator in the field of clothing and textile colleges of Home Economics, and the faculties of quality education, and has processing the results statistically as shown in the results of the study were implementation of a number 6 designs which got the highest scores were arranged in descending order as follows (6,16, 8, 18,5, 12).
The researchers reached the possibility of introducing a new and fast technical designs based on the art of origami enrich artifacts and less expenses, which are characterized by excellence and competitiveness to create real opportunities for young people, followed by some of the recommendations, which reflect the hope of researchers to further experimentation in the study of origami art of the fine, artistic and technical advantage including the development of new designs to open wider to enrich the artistic works and support small industries prospects.


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