The Role Of Sample Development In Improving The Production Layout For Non- Typical Lines In Clothing Factories

Document Type : Original research articles



the clothing Is the basic needs of an individual that can not be dispensed with, since the ancient civilizations of human tried to find different shapes to form a cut clothes so he human thought in many ways to be able to work codified models based on body measurements, a translation of body measurements, including spins and lengths on paper or cloth to represent the human body dimensions, and the need of the industry to guide the science and technology for their advancement in the global competitiveness variables in the present day is the design preparation of the initial sample of the basic processes in the garment industry, which helps factories with typical production and production non-typical in facilitating the production process.
Find targets have been summarized as follows:
1-activating the role of the sample in the development of garment factories
2-improve the production stages in the course of ready-made garment factories atypical.
To reach these goals were studied in terms of the sample and the sample types and the role of the sample in the field of manufacturing conditions to be taken into account when the sample set defined as production was studied in terms of the definition of production lines and production line planning.
   It was the work of a field study on the number of four clothing factories ready by monitoring the steps inside the factories running samples and correlation with the support production planning within the lines and overcome the operating constraints and workflow within the flow lines and avoid the appearance of problems impeding the operation

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