The Effectiveness Of An Educational Program To Raise The Performance Level Of Skill In The Subject Of Machinery With Students Of The Second Year, The College Of Home Economics

Document Type : Original research articles



This study aims to design a program for substance machinery, and activated on the second band students Clothing & Textile Department, Faculty of Home Economics, and compared to the usual way (manual) in order to keep pace with technological development to develop new ways of teaching methods, in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

      The study sample included the students of the second year the Department of clothing and fabric Aam2014-2015, where the students were divided into two groups first taught in the traditional way, and the second using the proposed program.

      Results of the study were found to increase the collection of knowledge experimental group, where the results showed that the information provided by the computer to be easier and easier to understand and collected and then facilitates the review, which led to raise the skill level of performance of the experimental group sample.

     The study results indicated that the positive trend of the proposed method to measure student satisfaction and measure satisfaction of the professors and test (T) for the detection of significance differences between the two groups in terms of results showed the presence of statistically significant differences in favor of the experimental group.
Find worthwhile to develop methods of teaching courses clothing and textile department in line with the educational technology through the use of multimedia software has been recommended, and programmed instruction, and all the enormous potential possessed by the computer, which proved to be positive in education.

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