Treatment Of Newborn Children Underwear Using Fat Olive Oil To Complete Growth Elements

Document Type : Original research articles



Researchers interested in recently used clothing in the health field through clothing manufacturing provides the elements and the needs of some special categories that require special provide them with their needs in that stage clothes, and from this point of research seeks to achieve benefit health special class of newborn children they called" Premature" This is because the reasons for this shortfall to many reasons, including the health of the mother and the method of feeding during pregnancy or genetic reasons ... etc. causing to be a newborn lacks some necessary to complete its growth elements that they cannot in this lifetime eating the necessary elements for this interest Find processing underwear for newborn babies with  fats olive oil as a means to supply the newborn with its needs of elements, vitamins and minerals needed to complete its growth that olive oil riches as much as of them and because of the sensitivity and tenuous skin of newborn it is has been the use of under wear T-shirts that  made from raw cotton and processedusingfats olive oil to be the means by which provide him with the necessary for the child elements..

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