The Theme Of Research On " Analytical Study Of A Selection Of Ancient And Modern Indian Architecture In Order To Innovation Some Garments Designs That Suit Contemporary Evening Dresses"

Document Type : Original research articles



The research aims to attempt to enrich the contemporary evening dresses by adapting the technical values of Indian architecture arts of its various successive civilizations and which is characterized by diversity of architectural as civilization's sequential . Deals with the study the evolution of India Building of ignorance in the era Vedas Period, then the beginning of prosperity and knowledge of architecture and construction of buildings using wood and brick in Brahmanic Period, then the emergence of the art of stone architecture by the flourish at all arts in Buddhist Period as it appears in the ruins of King Ashoka stone  columns and sculptures and the emergence of the symbolical movement whether statues activity or stillness, then architectural shift stunning era Neo-Brahmanic Period and the emergence of Orissa's fashioned hierarchical forms summit minute and sculptures that have reached thousands Statues that cover the walls of the complete temples as the case in khajuraho Jainism temples of Mount Apo, Up to the era of Hindu-Moslem Period and the emergence of the Mughal style in mosques, shrines and castles architecture, which although seemed cleared of sculpture collages for violating the Islamic faith, but it looked very magnificence and beauty by Islamic distinctive texts and motifs of plants, engineering and written text, especially with exaggeration of Sultans of the Mongols in the shrines architecture as in the famous Taj Mahal .
         The study takes architecture as one of the sources that enrich the field of fashion design and try to find similarities between them, Aside from the different tools used in and the final product for each of them , but they agree in the general forming values ​​, so the study investigate these areas from the point of view -based approach to study the composition of a science Morphology.

Main Subjects