Evaluation Of Suggestion Drafting Pattern For Women Skirt For Application In The Educational Process Using An Autocad Program Preparation

Document Type : Original research articles



Submit suggestion to the style of building basic pattern for women skirt, and evaluation by professors who specialize in the field of clothing (pattern). after the construction of the basic pattern of the skirt size (‘40’sewing and wearing to display gentlemen arbitrators to judge the validity of the pattern for application in the educational process, was arbitration skirt model  according to the questionnaire items consisted of three main items (Front - Back - Side). The front item got (average percentages of items) ratio ( 89,69 % ) .The Back item got (average percentages of items) ) ratio ( 77,66 % ) .the side item got (average percentages of items) ratio ( 78.63 % ). All of which they are also high resulting in to the possibility of applying the suggestion Pattern in the educational process. After making the previous evaluation we drafting a basic pattern for women skirt by using auto CAD program, and application in the educational process (fourth year students - Faculty of Specific Education - the Curriculum Outerwear 2) . Then evaluate output using an auto CAD program for drafting basic pattern for women skirt by (T test)   for significance of differences Between the averages scores the group in the cognitive test (before - after) Found that there is a difference in the averages of cognitive test (before - after) In favor of the after, when making T test we found its Value (27, 26) It is statistically significant at the (0.05) level. This indicates that high student achievement after their studies of the knowledge included with program, which refers to the effectiveness of the program. Students in the acquisition of knowledge included with of the program. Then making (T test) for significance of differences between the averages scores the group in the Skills test (before - after) Found that there is a difference in the averages of Skills test (before - after) In favor of the after, when making (T test ) we found its Value (33,30 ) It is statistically significant at the( 0.05 ) level. This indicates that High skill performance after their studies of the knowledge included with program,   which refers to the effectiveness of the program Students in the acquisition of skills included with of the program.

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