An Analytical Study For The Spanish Art Innovation Apparel Design To Improve The Visual Image In The Visual Media

Document Type : Original research articles



This study deals with analysis of the of art the Spanish The history of Spain distinct episode of the Arab-Islamic history, and is considered a fertile source of inspiration designs and the nucleus of multiple innovations, where the art of Spain is rich in many different arts that can be used in the field of newly fashion design and that can be source of inspiration for designers and fashion and it can be used in the production of innovative designs for fashion, and advertising is considered the most important factors conducive to the spread of fashion lines new and innovative and presented in the field of fashion is brought to the attention of consumers especially the youth, where occupies the bulk of their attention. Therefore the student work a total of designs for the proposed youth inspired by Spanish art and their number (20 design) varied between evening wear and Alkajul which suit the stage of youth and implementation of the best and according to the opinions of arbitrators, and then pick up some attractive pictures of those models implemented at some of the fashion models in order to take advantage of them in image enhancement for visual media advertising and publicity the Virtual through the use of various techniques and the work of some of the amendments and additions to the resulting images through the use of a range of specialist in the design of programs and the amendment to the images the software used Marvelous Designer 4.5 Enterprise ،Adobe Illustrator CS6 Adobe Photoshop CS6 Adobe Light room CC.                          The research results came interrogator to Assumptions in terms of achieving Creation in Spanish motifs and utilized in the creation of clothes for youth, and improve the visual image in visual media.                                                                   

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