Heritage Revival by the Use of Saudi Bedouin Textiles in the Gulf Mantle

Document Type : Original research articles



The present study aimed to revive heritage by using Saudi Bedouin weaving in the Gulf mantle. To achieve this aim, a questionnaire was developed to measure the product aesthetic, functional, and design aspects. Furthermore, the present study adopted the experimental approach to explore the relationship between the use of Saudi Bedouin weaving and heritage revival by enriching the aesthetics of the Gulf mantles via the production of samples of Gulf mantles grafted with Saudi Bedouin weaving.Findings showed that implemented products could achieve a degree of agreement and success in light of specialists' evaluation means of Saudi Bedouin weaving enrichment extents for the aesthetic aspect, designed mantles fitness for the functional aspect, and the design integration and symmetry with the Gulf mantle. Findings also revealed no statistically significant differences (α=0.05) among the means of evaluation aspects in light of specialists evaluation for the whole evaluation aspects.

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