Enrichment Patton SaleeProductUsing SweetLupine Peels to Enhance Sensory Properties and Nutritional Value as One of The Needs of Diabetes Patients

Document Type : Original research articles



Body health is an indicator on a good nutrition, and free from chronic diseases as diabetes, heart diseases and blood pressure. Healthy foods asLeguminosae is a good source of nutrient, so legumesmay -beresponsible for preventing chronic diseases. The aim of this research is to study the effect of addition sweet lupine peels with different amounts on sensory properties and nutritional value of Patton Salee product as one of the needs of diabetes patients. Patton Salee was supplemented with different amounts of lupine peels (10%, 20%, 30%). The results of sensory evaluation showed that supplemented Patton Salee was acceptable, but the best results observed in supplemented sample with (10%), the values of taste improved from (4.55± 0.35 to 4.9± 0.31), Aroma improved from (4.7± 0.34 to 4.9± 0.31) and texture improved from (4.9 ± 0.20 to 4.9± 0.31). Chemical analysis showed increasing in protein, fat, fiber, ash, minerals, total antioxidants and total phenolic with increasing lupine peels amount, which that,  increasing  protein or fiber  reducesblood glucose level and insulin metabolism. Conclusion: the results showed that addition lupine peels improvedthe sensory evaluation and nutritional value of Patton Salle; this illustrated the important of legumes peels especially lupine peels for diabetes patients’ foods.


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