Developing the equipment technology course and supporting modern learning media to raise the skill of technical high school graduate

Document Type : Original research articles



Technological development in the methods of education and the use of modern teaching aids and diverse to the development of curricula dramatically in proportion to the needs of learners and the evolution of the concept of learning from conservation and indoctrination to the observation, thinking and creativity has led, as well as to keep track of modern methods in the curriculum "Modern Development Methods", which include the development of the means of evaluation and presentation for students in order to exploit all the senses that the student's access to information, educational media?
    Are the materials, tools, hardware or communication channels that transmit through which knowledge to the students that the problem of choosing an intermediate position for educational tutorial is not, as some think the dilemma as well as not so hard because it is a structured process but that the large number of application makes it
Simple process characteristics of educational media contact:
1. media educational communication is not separate from the curriculum and it is a key aspect of its aspects.
2. educational media contact an ally, not a successor to the teacher.
3. media educational communication is not only entertaining but also educational. Technically aesthetically.
    The current study aims to capitalize on the computers in the proposed work program.
    (For the development of equipment technology and support the decision of modern learning media to raise the technical skill of the secondary graduate).
    And the possibility of the application of this program on education and training schools double to raise their level of scientific research in material Tkmologia equipment.

Main Subjects