The effectiveness of SCAMPER strategy in developing cognitive achievement and Generative thinking skills in the home economics of primary school students.

Document Type : Original research articles



-    The study aimed at revealing the effectiveness of SCAMPER  strategy in the development of cognitive achievement and the Generative thinking skills of the primary school students , To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher re-formulated a unit of the curriculum of home economics for the fifth grade primary, It is a unit (towards a bright tomorrow) using the SCAMPER  strategy and has prepared a book for the student and a guide to the teacher and the test of knowledge collection and a scale of Generative thinking skills of the generation.
-    The tools of the study were applied tribal and Baadia to the students of the experimental and control groups (40) in each group.
-    The results of the study resulted in the effectiveness of SCAMPER strategy in the development of cognitive achievement and the Generative thinking skills of the experimental group compared to the control group. In the light of the study results, the researcher presented a set of recommendations and suggestions.                                                                                                  


Main Subjects