Developing Designs for Clothes Supplements Inspired from the Pharaonic Era and Implemented by Different Types of Crochet with Variety Ores

Document Type : Original research articles



    This research aims to develop designs of some groups of clothing supplements for girls and women inspired from the Pharaonic era and implementing it using some of different types of crochet art, metal wire, beads, stones were used in the implementation of some of the pieces to give the phenotypic required, the search was used descriptive and analytical approach in the review of sources quote the Pharaonic era, semi-experimental approach in the implementation of research samples, (16) set of clothes supplements were performed, (10) groups using thread, (6) groups using wire, has been groups evaluated by 10 specialists in the field of clothing and textiles and achieved a high degree of acceptance in the light of averages assess the aesthetic level of performance, the revival of the heritage of the Pharaonic era, to take advantage of the various crochet styles, and have been evaluated by the groups (10) of consumers and achieved a high degree of acceptance in the light of the views of average consumers.

Main Subjects