The Impact Of Programming Steps To Implement The Pattern Of A Skirt In Aldrich Way At The Stage Of Early Adolescence Through A Web Site

Document Type : Original research articles



It is noted that university education at the global level is witnessing serious attempts to development and modernization, including the attempt to assess and improve university performance by emphasizing quality concepts as a contemporary evolutionary trend that represents a central framework to most of the world. These technological means have been multiplied as a result of the multiplicity of areas of use. Due to the growth of scientific facts and knowledge in general, the importance of the modern means has dramatically increased, imposed on educational institutions the necessity of introducing modern means to achieve their goals  (Badawi: 2003).
            The current study is based on software use skills in implementing a pattern of a skirt modified in a Aldrich way. The significance of the research lies in the use of multimedia as one of distance learning methods and employing them to study the impact of the use of educational software in the students' competence of pattern learning.
            The use of computers can provide an effective opportunity to address the weakness of absorption, which is characterized by the ability to display information in multiple formats, including registration of responses, along with audio and kinetic stimuli associated with the learning processes. Also, the software provides opportunities for self-evaluation, which is produced by those programs for the student to examine his/her performance, and disclosure of aspects strengths and weaknesses to him/her, and enabling him/her to straighten the path of learning, and make the effort and attempts to reach the target. This is beside the feedback forms that are exposed in the computer learning attitudes that provide him an interactive environment in which the learner is positive (Jeraadh: 2003). It may also increase the motivation of students towards learning and provides sound, image, and color elements, which are essential in the learning process.
            The stage of preparing the basic models "paterns" is one of the most important stages of the implementation clothe, so the one who prepares these models must possess a set of skills that help him/her set them correctly, and therefore the study of the basics of the work of the model are important and necessary for clothing and textiles student for the development of their technical skills and abilities  Shafie, (2007: 59)
            Because there are some individuals who do not have the ability to manufacture clothing and transfer designs in this way, the way of drawing and setting the pattern has appeared. Among the different ways of drawing are (Brovila - Aldrich - Natalie Bray).
            The main problem of the study lies in the notion that the ways of drawing different patterns have been taught as specific in the basic model of the Patterns, particularly children patterns, therefore there has been a need to introduce new ways of teaching children's clothes using several patterns and apply them to girls' skirts in early adolescence (12 -14) to try to develop the material and teaching the students information and skills and new methods in the field of clothes of this stage, and here we must learn how to design the basic pattern in the latest means and follow the modern trends in education, which aim to become self-reliant in the collection of knowledge and skills formation and in spite of the multiplicity of the studies conducted on the use of the software in specialized areas, drawing a pattern of a skirt af a girl at an early adolescence in Aldrich way and teaching it in a modern way.
Problem of the study can be formulated in the next major question:
What is the effect of programming steps to implement a skirt pattern in Aldrich way to the stage of early adolescence through a web site?
Branching off from this main question are the following questions:
1. What are the knowledge and skills needed to study the skirt pattern in Aldrich way to that stage of the growth of the girl?
2. What possibility of software designed to study the Pattern?
3. What is the impact of the application of the software in increasing student performance of the skills skills associated with the study of the pattern?
Aims of the Research
It aims to:
1. determine the necessary knowledge and skills needed by the students in learning Pattern of a skirt in Aldrich way;
2. Introducing a suggested proposal to provide electronic software in learning a skirt pattern in Aldrich way.


Main Subjects