Document Type : Original research articles



The research has aimed to fulfill  the following objectives:
1.    To identify the relationship between personal variables, and family compatibility
2.    To identify the relationship between the attitudes of rural women towards work , self-realization, education, procreation  and family compatibility, and its different dimensions.
3.    To identify the most influential attitudes  on family compatibility and its different dimensions that are the subject of this study.
       Data of the study has been collected from the village of Tawa and its suburbs to Minya City, in Minya Governorate. All  families that are  permanently living in the village were subjected to the research. A regular random sample of (206) families has been determined. Data has been collected using a form  prepared specifically for this purpose through personal interviews  with rural women residing in the village and its suburbs.  Several statistical methods have been used to analyze data: simple correlation coefficient, regression relations, multiple correlation, and the periodic presentation of frequencies and percentages.
The study has reached the following results:
1.    There is a positive correlation among each of the personal variables: interviewees age, number of children,  marriage duration,  monthly income of the family and religiosity and family compatibility  with its different dimensions subjected to the study .
2.    There is a positive and moral relationship between the attitude of the women subjected to the research  towards work and all measures of family compatibility.
3.    There is a positive and moral relationship between attitudes of the searched  rural woman towards self-realization and compatibility with children and relatives, while there is a negative correlation between attitudes towards self-realization and compatibility with her husband.
4.    There is a positive and moral relationship between attitudes of the researched  woman  towards education and all measures of family compatibility.
5.    There is a positive and moral relationship between the attitude of the rural woman, subjected to the research, towards procreation and compatibility with her husband and relatives, while there is a negative correlation between the attitude of rural women  towards procreation and  compatibility with children.
6.    The attitudes towards work and procreation contribute to the interpretation of variation in family compatibility with its various dimensions subjected to this study.
7.    The attitude towards education contributed only to the interpretation of variation in the compatibility with the husband, but it is morally  appeared to be significant in the full model of compatibility with children relatives
8.    The self-attitude did not contribute to the interpretation of variation in any of the three dimensions of family compatibility.

Main Subjects