Kitchens Maintenance Management Of Some Service Institutions As Perceived By The Personnel And Its Relation To Their Career Satisfaction

Document Type : Original research articles



This research aims to study kitchens maintenance management of some service institutions and its relation to the personnel career satisfaction. The basic study sample consisted of (97) kitchen personnel (9) service institutions (University dormitory-hospitals-orphanages- nursing homes) in the governorates of Cairo and Ismailia, (9) heads of Nutrition departments to those institutions.the Search tools included general information form, questionnaire of the policies pursued in the maintenance of the kitchens of these institutions “pertaining to nutrition department heads ', kitchen maintenance management scale “pertaining to personnel”, personnel career satisfaction scale (preparation of the researchers). The research followed the descriptive methodology.
The results showed that the level of maintenance management in service institutions kitchens as perceived by personnel is of average percentage 74.15% . Implementation and oversight of maintenance comes in the first ranking, followed by planning and scheduling maintenance, and finally the attention to evaluation and feedback. The level of personnel career satisfaction in some kitchens of service institutions is of average percentage 67.34%. Good personnel relations comes in first ranking, followed by complacency about the nature of the work and procedures, physical work environment satisfaction, and finally satisfaction with the financial aspects. The results also showed the existence of sadistically significant variance on the significance level of 0.01 in kitchens maintenance management of  service institutions as perceived by different personnel with some differences in study variables for favor of (College dormitory and hospitals for nursing homes and orphanages, private and governmental versus civil authorities, institutions with larger number of beneficiaries, the higher Education and experience level, the magnates of training in maintenance of high benefit), as well as the existence of differences at the level of 0.01-0.05 in career satisfaction with some differences in study variables for the favor of (University dormitory personnel, Government and private institutions, institutions with a higher number of beneficiaries;the average level of experience, the top level of maintenance management, male personnel). The results showed a positive correlation at the level of significance of 0.01 between maintenance management as a whole in all its phases and personnel career satisfaction as a whole. Results also indicated that the most influential factor in career satisfaction is maintenance management followed by experience level, and finally the quintessence of the institution.

Main Subjects