The Effectiveness of A Proposed Program Based on Knitting Work In Developing Achievement And Aesthetic Values Among Primary Stage Pupils

Document Type : Original research articles



The purpos of the master: is to identify the effectiveness of a knitting work in development of achievement and  aesthetic values ​​among primary stage pupils .To achieve the objectives of the research a sample was selected from the elementary sixthgraders bakhaty facility school boys (a), the department of shebin al kom educational governorate of Menoufia. And research sample consisted of (35) of elementary sixthgraders, The research tools consisted in test experiment,a note card,measure of aesthetic values in crochet.
The reliability of each of the research tools was verified by presenting them to a group of arbitrators. The stability of the test was calculated in the Alpha Kronbach method. The stability coefficient of the test was 0.72. The stability of the observation card was calculated by Alpha Kronbach, (0.74), and the stability of the value of the aesthetic value of crochet products was calculated by Alpha Kronbach method, and its value was the stability coefficient of the scale (0.56) and therefore suitable for the purpose of the research. 
Following the application of the research tools, the results indicated the effectiveness of the proposed program based on knitting work (crochet). The results resulted in:
A difference statistically significant at a level (0.1) between the experimental group grades Mediterranean tribal application and their grades in the application post to test cognitive achievement levels for application post.

      A difference statistically significant at a level (0.01) between the experimental group grades Mediterranean tribal application and their grades in dimensional application note card.
The performing skills for application post.
        A high level of aesthetic values of M3 and crochet products a difference statistically significant at a level (0.01) among middle grades study group for aesthetic values and medium scale proposition for the average grades.
    The existence of a correlation function of a statistical function at a level (0.01) between each of the achievement test post application and degrees note card with the aesthetic value crochet.


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