Effectiveness Of A Guiding Program To Develop Food Consumption Awarness For Undergraduate Students Of Home Economics

Document Type : Original research articles



The main objective of the research was to construct and design an orientation program to develop food consumption awareness among female students. The study sample consisted of 240 female students from the Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University. The study tools were applied to them: It is a questionnaire on information (practices - trends) for university students. The program was developed to raise awareness of the food consumption of university students. The most important results of the study were: There are no statistically significant differences between the averages of mothers of working and non-working mothers in the level of food consumption awareness of students of home economics at the university level, D. Statistically among the students of home economics at the university level. Sample of the study in the level of food consumption awareness of the students of home economics at the university level in the center of the university students according to the monthly income of the family. The main recommendations were the need to provide guidance programs on healthy nutrition for all age groups through schools and the media.

Main Subjects