Take benefit of the Round House Diagram Strategy in learning Turkish embroidery style

Document Type : Original research articles



Aim of the research  To take the benefit of effectiveness of  Round House Diagram Strategy in measuring a proposed unit for the children's clothing by using the Turkish embroidery style for the  2nd  year students, home economics department, bachelor's stage to develop the cognitive and technical aspects for implementation and decoration of a baby dress using the Turkish embroidery style.
      This technique has been employed to create a student-centered interactive environment  based on higher thinking skills, analysis, structure, assessment and self-organization skills of students to become  more self-reliant.
                                                A pilot sample of (9) students were used to adjust the search tools. The research  then carried out on the sample of 44 students who were divided into two groups (experimental and control) to conduct the pre and post tests on them.
The research results showed that:
      The round house style has an effect on measuring the proposed unit of the children's clothing by using the Turkish embroidery technique at statistically significant level.
            Also a statistically significant differences at the level of (0.01) between the average  scores of the experimental and control group of the students in the acquired knowledge acquired knowledge of implementation and decoration of the dress in Turkish embroidery style  in the pre and post-test for the post test in  experimental group. Furthermore, statistically significant differences at the level of  (0.01) between the average scores of students in the experimental and control group in the skilled performance of the implementation and decoration of the dress in Turkish embroidery style in the pre and post - test for post-test  of the experimental group.

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