The Effectiveness Of A Suggested Instructional Unit In Family Education Course On Developing Some Social Skills And Attitude Of First Primary Grade Students Towards People With Special Needs

Document Type : Original research articles



he aim of current research is to design an educational unit in the course of Family Education, and determine the extent of its effectiveness in promoting some social skills for the female students of the first primary grade, and attitudes  towards people with special needs specifically with disabilities(audio - visual - motor - mental), To achieve the formerly stated aim, this research relies on the descriptive analytical method in analyzing scientific literature and references related to determine the suitable social skills to be promoted for first primary grade students towards people with special needs,and also to specify the scientific and pedagogic foundations for designing the proposed educational unit, also the Quasi-experimental approach with the one group design was used, which exposed to thepre-postapplication to measure the effectiveness of the proposed educational unit, The sample of this research consists of (90) female students which represent all of the first primary grade female students of  Fifty Eighth School in the city of Tabuk in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which includes classes for special education,The research tools consisted of, social skills’ estimation scale with people with special needs , attitude  scale towards people with special needs, The obtained results revealed the following:

The presence of an indicative significant statistical difference between the mean scores of the students of the experimental group within the scale of social skills in pre and post application for the post application
The presence of an indicative significant statistical difference between the mean scores of the students of the experimental group in measuring attitude  in the post and pre applications for the post application.

Which  indicates an increase in the level of social skills among students of the first primary grade and attitudes  towards people with special needs after studying the unit which proves its effectivenece.

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