The Style Of Using Social Communcation Networks and its Relation to Adolescence Rwsponsibility

Document Type : Original research articles



Targeted research to examine the relationship between the method of use of social networking and its relationship networks to bear the responsibility of adolescents and to identify the differences between males and females and between the method of use of social networking and responsibility I have teenagers, and identify the nature of the discrepancy between the study sample in the method of use of social networking and responsibility I have Alemrahguen depending the educational level of the mother and the monthly income of the family.
 The researcher used the research tools consisted of initial public statements of the youth form, method of use of social networking four Bmhaorh, responsibility and a questionnaire survey that I have teenagers five Bmhaorh, was their application to is made up of 400 university students sample were selected psoriasis way from the faculties of the process and different theory.
  One of the results of the study correlation statistically significant between the method of use of social networking relationship and responsibility I have no teenagers, no correlation statistically significant between the economic and social level variables to the families of the young study sample and method of use of social networks, there is no correlation statistically significant between variables economic and social levels to the families of the young study sample and responsibility I have teenagers, there are no statistically significant differences between male and female university students study sample in each of the method to use social networking and responsibility differences I have teenagers, there are no statistically significant differences between university students from rural differences university and young people from urban areas in the technique of using social networking four Bmhaorh questionnaire and responsibility I have teenagers five Bmhaorha, no D. contrast statistically between the study sample in the method of use of social networking and responsibility I have teenagers depending on the educational level of the mother, there is no D. contrast statistically between sample The study method in the use of social networking and responsibility I have Alemrahguen depending on the level of monthly income for the family.
The study recommends attention to young people and their development and that the work programs in order to make them aware of a way to use social networks and the ability to take responsibility and self-reliance and attention to all the influences that might hinder the growth of social responsibility and have a private social level, and economic.

Main Subjects