Functional Suitability Of House And Its Relationship To Safety In The House Environment For The Pre-School Child

Document Type : Original research articles



This research was conducted in order to determine the relationship between the functional relevance of the house dimensions (convenience physiological, fitness psychological, health relevance, appropriateness of housing compartments furnishing) and safety in the home environment for a child of pre-school dimensions (child's room, living room, services, "the kitchen - the bathroom" area ), and it included a sample study on the (400) of working women and non-working families their children in pre-school (4-6 years), and formed the search tool of the special child and his family public data form, the functional relevance of the analgesic scale, and a questionnaire safety in the home environment for a child pre-school, was chosen as the study sample intentionally object-way data were collected by personal interview, after data collection and tabulation was discharged and tabulated and analyzed statistically using the SPSS program. And keep track of this study descriptive analytical method.
        The results showed the presence of correlation statistically significant between the level of awareness of female-headed households functional suitability of housing dimensions and the security that is provided in the home environment for their children in pre-school dimensions, having a correlation statistically significant between some of the social and economic variables (education head of the family, the education of heads of household, career head of the family, the age of head of the household, number of years of marriage, the monthly income of the family) and the level of awareness of the functional relevance of the house dimensions and the level of awareness of safety in the home dimensions environment variables.

Main Subjects