A Comparative Study between Simulation and TraditionalStyle in Fashion Design for Students of Clothing and Textile department

Document Type : Original research articles



The aim of the research is to improve and evaluate the teaching methods through modern teaching methods, which is one of the most important principles of total quality, which focuses on training the employees to understand the student, which will lead to the quality of the product and the educational service and the material of fashion design courses that serve the student in the field of specialization. Through the use of the method of learning simulation, and the Faculty of Home Economics - University of Menoufia as an educational institution to achieve the overall quality as TQM is an input to improve the inputs of the quality of the collection of a set of principles the most important student system axis and must examine the expectations of the service provided to him and the degree of satisfaction with them and discover what he wants and needs, In this context, the researchers called for selecting the topic of " A Comparative Study between Simulation and Traditional Style in Fashion Design for Students of Clothing and Textile department" Through a procedural simulation of the fashion design for students of clothing and textile using the traditional hand style and drawing the pencil design and the simulation method for the design of a piece of clothing mimicking the design with materials and fabrics suitable for the model drawn and to identify their views towards the primacy of fashion design study in any way learning simulation or traditional hand painting.
The method of research was used as descriptive experimental method and the preparation of the research tool through the designs of the students of clothing and textile where they were drawn in the traditional hand-made manner of different evening dresses and the clarification of the design lines and elements, and the same designs for the same students The learning strategy was used in the simulation method and the use of different materials to simulate the design Traditional.
The standard is through a questionnaire to measure students' opinions, which includes three axes (31), Where the first axis included the trend of studying the design of fashion in traditional hand style, and the second axis towards the study of fashion design simulation style, and the third axis towards the order to start the study of fashion design in any of the two methods manual drawing or simulation style.
            The results showed that the first axis ranked third with a relative weight of (18.9%) in favor of not studying fashion design in the traditional hand style. The second axis achieved second place with a relative weight of (27.6%). On the first place with a relative weight of (28.9%) was in favor of the positive trend of students to study the design of fashion by starting the traditional hand-style first followed by the application of simulation style.


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