Evaluating The Educational Effectiveness Of The Home Economics Curriculum At The Primary Stage In Accordance With Quality And Accreditation Standards

Document Type : Original research articles




Identifying the local quality standards in curriculum development programs in general and the home economics curriculum in particular.
Identifying the availability of quality standards in the home economics curriculum at the primary stage.
Studying the difference between teachers' responses and students' responses concerning the availability of standards for the home economics curriculum in the light of quality standards.

research sample:   The research sample was randomly selected. The study sample consisted of (110) female teachers and supervisors of the home economics in the primary stage in Menoufia Governorate for the final application. The pilot survey was conducted on 30 female teachers and supervisors of the home economics  from the research community to calculate the validity and reliability of the questionnaire.) in the research.
Tools research: The researcher used a questionnaire form designed by the researcher, supervisors and experts in the home economics Consisting of seven axes to evaluate the curriculum according to the quality standards and the number of statements in the questionnaire 359 words accepted by the researcher after the presentation to the experts to identify the availability of quality standards in the home economy curriculum for the primary stage.
The present study attempted to answer the following main question:
Does the current home economics curriculum have an effective impact on primary school pupils in order to achieve the effectiveness of the educational process at this stage and meet their needs?
The above main question can be divided into the following sub-questions:

Does the philosophy of the current home economics curriculum consistent with the nature of the society and its culture in the light of quality standards?
Does the objectives of the current household economy curriculum consistent with the philosophy and nature of society?
Does the content of the home economics curriculum achieve the philosophy and goals of the curriculum as a whole?
How appropriate are teaching and learning methods for each of the objectives and content of the home economics curriculum at the primary level?
Are the educational / learning activities of the home economy curriculum at the primary level diverse, linked to the content and achievement of curriculum objectives?
What are the sources of knowledge and technology used in the home economics  curriculum at the primary level?
Is the calendar available in the Home Economics curriculum of all types and tools?

Research Results: The current research results in the following:
1-        The educational effectivenes level is average for the axes, The curriculum Philosophy, curriculum aims, the educational activities and the resources of knowledge and technology.
2-        The views of the research sample agrees that they don't accept the achievement of the educational effectiveness for the curriculum of the home economics  for the axes of , the content of the home economics curriculum in all it's six fields, the ways of teaching and ning , the evaluation of the home economics curriculum in it's three criteria.
3-        The results of the research samples showed also not achieving any of the questionnaire axes in a high level.


Main Subjects