Document Type : Original research articles



The current study aimed to uncover the relationship between marital alienation and the management of the wife's life situations and the psychological security of the Teenagers. The data were collected through the application of the research tools represented in the general data form the family. (210) wives and 210 of their sons, some rural and attended Dakahlia governorate of different social and economic levels, and to conduct the appropriate statistical analysis to derive the results reached a range of results, the most important and There were no statistically significant differences between the average wives' scores in the marital alienation category (for the place of residence - the degree of kinship between the spouses - the age difference between the spouses), While there were statistically significant differences between the average wives 'wives' wives 'wives and their husbands' husbands according to the age of the wife, according to the type of residence for the benefit of the non-working wife. There is a statistically significant difference between The differences in wives 'degrees of marital alienation according to the level of education of the wife and the level of the monthly income of the prisoners in favor of the low educational level and the low monthly income. There were statistically significant differences between the wives' , According to the age of the wife in favor of the oldest age group, according to the work of the wife for the benefit of the working wife, while there were no statistically significant differences between the average wives' degrees in the management of life situations according to the place of residence - the degree of kinship between the spouses ) There was a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of wives in the management of life situations according to the level of education of the wife and the level of monthly income of the family in favor of the higher education level and the high monthly income. On the other hand, there were statistically significant differences in the level of psychological security (According to the level of education of the mother and the educational level of the father) in favor of the higher educational level and according to the monthly income level of the family in favor of the high monthly income level, while there were no statistically significant differences between the average scores of the sons. Housing).
In the light of the results, the researchers presented a number of recommendations aimed at intensifying the efforts of the family-oriented information programs, which are concerned with family relations and are concerned with directing and guiding married couples as well as those who are coming to marry the basics and techniques of successful marital life, in addition to raise awareness about the reasons leading to marital alienation and the resulting danger to the family and society. From the occurrence and exposure of the couple to him, in addition to raising awareness of parents and the importance of the need to provide the psychological security of their sons to prevent the occurrence of psychological problems in order to create a healthy prisoner environment in which sons arise in a way that achieves the same and makes them individuals Productive producers of society.

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