Marital Adjustment and its relationship with psychological burnout and Big five personality among wives

Document Type : Original research articles



Objective of the study: To identify the relationship between marital adjustment and psychological Burnout and the Big five personality of wives - determining differences in variables (happiness - number of children - educational level - place of residence) and predicting marital adjustment in light of both psychological Burnout and. the Big five personality
Sample Study: The current study is based on a sample of (344) wife Sakanat (rural and attended) of the province of Gharbia.
Study Methodology: The researcher used the descriptive descriptive approach in addressing the variables.
Study Tools: Tickets at-:
 • Marital adjustment measure (researcher's preparation)
 • Psychological Burnout combustion scale (preparation of the researcher).
•  the Big five personality, 1999 (Goldberg, Arabization of Abu-Hashim,2007)
There is a negative correlation of statistical significance at level (0.01) between the dimensions of marital adjustment and the dimensions of psychological Burnout, while showing a significant positive correlation relationship at the level of (0.01) between the dimensions of marital djustmentand factors mentioned hat.
There are no differences between the average of wives 'degrees in maritaldjustment The number of children and the educational level is not old. The branches are statistically significant at the level of (0.01) among the average wives' degrees in maritaldjustment due to the place of residence.
There are significant differences between the average scores of wives on the dimensions of the professional professionalism of the Arabic language (20-40) years compared to 40 and higher and the level of education for qualifications (Master or PhD) compared to the other educational levels, the absence of differences between the average degrees of wives on the dimensions Psychological Burnout is equal to the number of children except after the overproduction of personality between wives for the number of children (0-6) compared to 5 children and there is no significant statistical differences between the average wives degrees on the dimensions of psychologicalBurnout attributed to the place of residence.
There are no statistically significant differences between the average wives' degrees on the dimensions of the Big five personality: average temperature of the upper class of 40 years compared to the rest of the groups with the wake of conscience, the differences are in favor of the groups of less than 40 years.
There are no statistically significant differences between the average wives' degrees on the the Big five personality attributed to the number of children.
The absence of statistically significant differences between the average wives' degrees on the the Big five personality of higher education to the level of education except after admissibility and vigilance of the graduate campaign against the rest of the other.
There are no statistically significant differences between the average wives' degrees on the dimensions of the Big five personality
They can come together in the light of both psychological combustion, and keywords related to force.


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