Social Support For Breadwinner Women And Its Relationship With Their Management And Performance Efficiency

Document Type : Original research articles



This research aims at identifying the relationship between social support provided to breadwinner women sample of the research and its relation to their management and performance efficiency. The research tools included: (The general data form for breadwinner women which includes: family place of residence, women's work, the social status of women, women’s educational level, number of family members, average monthly income of the family, reason of dependency), the scale of the social support of the breadwinner women, and the questionnaire of management and performance efficiency of the breadwinner women.
     The research utilized the descriptive analytical method. The sample of the research consisted of 250 women from the urban and rural areas; governorates of Daqahlia and Sharqia .They belong to different socioeconomic levels and were intentionally selected.
The most important results of the research were as follows:
- There are statistically significant differences at the level of 0.01 between the scores of the breadwinner women sample of the research on the scale of social support (support information, performance and financial support, emotional support) according to some social and economic variables (the general data form for breadwinner women which includes: family place of residence, women's work, the social status of women, women’s educational level, number of family members, average monthly income of the family, reason of dependency).
- There are statistically significant differences at the level of 0.01 between the scores of the breadwinner women sample of the research on the management and performance efficiency scale according to the study variables.
,-  There is a statistically significant correlation between the social support of the breadwinner women sample of the research and the management and performance efficiency (financial income management, time and effort management, household management) and some social and economic variables.
The two researchers recommend stressing the role of the state, represented by the Ministry of Social Solidarity, in achieving the social support of the breadwinner women to build their capacities and develop their lives skills to participate in the development of society at large.


Main Subjects