Effect of Moringaoleifera (Moringa) on tand lead mixture in rats body

Document Type : Original research articles



The main target of the present investigation was to study the effect of Moringaoleifera leaves to get rid of toxic heavy metals (Cadmium and lead mixture) in albino rats . Thirty healthy adult male albino rats "Sprague Dawley strain" weighing 150±5g , were used and divided into 5 equal groups, one was kept as a negative control group, while the second Group(6rats)  fed on basal diet with cadmium and lead at the level of 0.2%( control positive group) .  Groups (3,4 and 5)  were fed on diet with toxin mixture and moringa leaves at different levels 2.5, 5 and 10 %. At the end of the experiment, feemd intake (FI), body weight gain (BWG), feed efficiency ratio (FER) and relative weights of liver, kidneys and spleen were calculated. Also, Serum liver functions (GOT, GPT, ALK), kidney functions (Urea, CR, ALb),lipid profile (T.Ch, Tri, LDL,  HDL, ) were determined in serum. Histopathological changes of liver samples were examined. The results indicated that rats infected toxins mixture which fed on diet with tested leaves at 10%   significantly increased in body weight gain, organs weight ,serum glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, liver enzymes kidney functions and decreased HDL. Treating rats which were fed on diet with this level of tested leaves improved all other parameters and internal organs weights. The histopathological examination confirmed the improvements in biological parameters and cell structure.


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