The Effect of Different Cereal Brans as Food Additives and Biological Studies on Hyperglycemic Rats

Document Type : Original research articles



The present work  aimed to evaluate the effect of ( oats bran , corn bran and wheat bran)adried powders , the combination of all(10%) on diabetic rats. For this purpose , the study included  30 rats about 100/140(g) weight. Biological & chemical analysis of serum and histopathological investigation of internal organs were carried out. The results could be summarized as follows:

· Due to diabetes, BWG lowered and FI reaisedwhen diabetic rats feeding on basal diet contained ( oats, corn or wheat brans)adried powders.
· Due to diabetes, serum glucose level was raised, but when feeding on basal diet contained ( oats, corn and wheat brans)or mixureaconcentration(10%) it decreased . Feed with oats bran recorded the highest decrement HB level .
· Followed  the same trend also  increased TC , TG, LDL & VLDL ,While, decreased  the serum  HDL .


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