Inspiration designs to enrich home clothing in light The work of designer Pierre Cardin

Document Type : Original research articles



       The need for renewal is behind the many diverse designs that we see today, and the artworks of fashion designers are a fertile source of inspiration for contemporary fashion designers, artists, and among the most famous and most important artist is fashion designer Pierre Cardin, whose designs are a fertile source of inspiration, as he has a stock that can be translated and reformulated. Technically updated.
The research aims to identify the artistic and aesthetic values ​​of Pierre Cardin’s works and use them as a rich source in fashion design and create 10 designs for home clothes for the mother and daughter, inspired by the work of the artist Pierre Cardin.
The research found that there are statistically significant differences between the designs implemented, as the statistical results that were made by the arbitrators reached 8 designs that obtained 99% among the total designs according to the statistical study.


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