“Take Advantage of the Industrial Engineering Applications to Increase the Efficiency of the Garment Factories”

Document Type : Original research articles



               Industrial engineering is one of the modern fields and the need for this specialization began as a result of the industrial revolution in the United States of America . , This contributed to the establishment of large industrial organizations with complex systems that required technical competencies trained to plan, organize, monitor and manage these systems while improving the level of performance and raising efficiency in less complex.,  Industrial engineering deals with systems problems (technical - economic and human resources) (1)., Industrial engineering is concerned with addressing human behavior management systems within institutions, especially industrial ones., The ready-made garment industry depends on the human resource as one of the most important inputs for its establishment and is affected by the quality of employment, their stability, training, productive efficiency and their skills., And the instability of the human factor has a great negative impact on the industry, which is known as the (rate of labor turnover) and has a great effect in that., And this is what is discussed through this research., The research axes are: clarifying the concept of the problem and its extent within garment factories, the effect of the problem on the industry, analysis of some of the causes of the problem, presenting an applied example, and finally determining the results and suggestions.

Main Subjects