The Effect Of Using The Differentiated Instruction Strategy In Teaching The Home Economics Subject On Developing The Competitive Behavior And Positive Thinking Skills For The First Prep Girl Students.

Document Type : Original research articles



Object of the study: Knowing the Effect of using The Differentiated Instruction Strategy in Teaching The Home Economics Subject on Developing the competitive Behavior and Positive Thinking Skills for the First Prep Girl Students.
Sample of the study: the control Group, of 22 student and the Experimental Group, consists of 22 students, a sample of Salah Kattab Preparatory Common school in Mit Khakan.
Tools of the study:
1 – Competitive Behavior Scale. By the researcher.
2 –Positive Thinking skills test. By the researcher.
Results of the study: the present study revealed the following results.
1 –There is a statistically significant deference at level (0.01) between average scores of students in the experimental and control Group in post application scale of competitive behavior .  in favor of experimental group.
2 –  There is a statistically significant deference at level (0.01) between average scores of students in the experimental and control Group in post application scale of  Positive Thinking skills. in favor of experimental group.
3 –There is relationship statistically significant at level (0.01) between scores the Post application of  competitive behavior scale and scores the post application of  positive Thinking skills test at the second grade students. In favor of the experimental second group.


Main Subjects