Status and CD4 Cell Counts in Refugee Patients with HIV/AIDS Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy in Egypt

Document Type : Original research articles



A nutritional assessment can detect any abnormal finding early so that nutritional assessment conducted for 50 HIV/AIDS refugee out patients from different nationalities (Sudan, Eretria, Ethiopia, Syria, Iraqi, Somali and Zimbabwe) in Cairo Refuge Egypt Clinic at Zamalikwhich were divided into 2 groups; CD4 < 200cells/μL group and CD4 > 200 cells/μL group to Study the factors that might influence the nutritional status and detect the nutritional problems which related to HIV/AIDS refugee patients. Anthropometric measurements (weight, height and BMI), food intake and laboratory investigation were calculated. The result showed that daily intake of macronutrient and micronutrient for both groups were low but CD4 < 200 cells/μL group was lower than CD4 >200cells/μL group according to DRI. The mean value show that CD4 <200cells/μL group was underweight but CD4 >200cells/μL group was through normal range. Almost, patients of both groups were Sudanese. The majority of studded sample had black skin. The majority of the subjects were single female (64.3% and 36.4%) of the CD4 < 200cells/μL and CD4 > 200 cells/μL groups respectively. Patients which infected with HIV through sexual relationship represented all CD4 < 200cells/μL group and 77.3% of CD4 > 200 cells/μL group.May patients of sample exposed to violence and raping in traffic from their countries to another one or due to sexual abuse and poverty. Lack of job opportunities, more than 75% of women in both groups which were jobless, even job of working women were inconsistent jobs while their current job did not always provide a good income. Almost of CD4 < 200cells/μL group lived in unhealthy home which represented 78.6% of this group compared with other group (45.5%) which has negative effect in their health . Almost of tested sample suffering from health problems as GITdisease, but found more in CD4 < 200 cells/μL group. The gastrointestinal side effects of ARVs drugs (nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea i.e.,) can have a significant effect on dietary intake among HIV-positive individuals  Anemia is more common in CD4 < 200 cells/μL group, findings through investigations, decreased in haemoglobin and haematoctate levels among this group whereas most of laboratory tests of CD4 >200cells/μL group were within normal values. calories intake were less than DRI for both groups which were 45.24and 60.61% of DRI for CD4 < 200cells/μL and CD4 > 200 cells/μL groups respectively although HIV patient who has no symptoms requires 10% more energy above the level recommended for a healthy non-infected person.  Daily intakes in all minerals for both groups were less than DRI. But CD4 < 200cells/μL group has worst situation than other group. The percentages of protein intake of CD4 > 200cells/μL group was 75.35% more than CD4 < 200cells/μL which was 31.68% when compared with DRI and major source of protein for CD4 < 200cells/μL group was plant proteins. The consumption of vegetables and fruits was very low in patient‘s diet for both groups.


Main Subjects