Interior Design of the House and Its Relationship to the Psychosocial Compatibility of the Head of Household

Document Type : Original research articles



      The objectives of this study were to identify the nature of the relationship between the interior design of the house with a pivot (the suitability of the furnishing of the house, the suitability of the design of the house), the psychological and social compatibility of the head of household (social compatibility, psychological compatibility), and some quantitative variables of the study sample (duration of marriage, number Children, educational level of the husband, educational level of the wife, monthly income groups, number of servants, the amount of participation in household expenses), and determine the nature of differences between female heads of household. The study also examined the nature of the difference between female heads of household, the study sample in the interior design of the house, and the psychological and social compatibility of the female head of household according to the number of children, social status, nature of the house, monthly income groups, educational level of the wife, number of hours worked
         The present study followed the descriptive analytical approach, where the questionnaire of the interior design of the house was prepared and codified, and the psychological and social compatibility of the female head of household was applied to 220 homemakers from the city of Riyadh.
         The results showed a positive correlation at the level of 0.01 between the psychological and social compatibility of the head of household as a whole and the interior design of the house as a whole, as well as the absence of statistically significant differences between the average degrees of heads of households working and not working in the interior design of the household for the whole household. While there are statistically significant differences between the average scores of female heads of household between workers and non-workers in the psychological and social compatibility of the head of household at the level of 0.05 for the benefit of female workers, as well as the presence of statistically significant difference between female heads of household study in the interior design of the house as a whole, according to The sale of the dwelling at the level of 0.001 for the benefit of the female heads of household residing in a dwelling house In the interior design of the dwelling as a whole according to (number of children, marital status, monthly income groups, educational level of wife, number of working hours), there is a statistically significant difference between female heads of households in the psychological and social compatibility as a whole for the head of household, according to (number of children, Monthly income groups) at the level of 0.01 and 0.01 for the benefit of the large sample families represented by the number of children from 7 and above, the families of the high income sample of 12: less than 15 thousand riyals, respectively, as well as showed no statistically significant difference Among female heads of household, the study sample of psychosocial compatibility as a whole for the head of household Depending on (marital status, the nature of housing, educational level of the wife, the number of working hours).
       The study made a number of recommendations, the most important of which was to provide training courses for working and non-working female heads of household to raise awareness of the basics of the interior design of the housing because of its direct impact on family life, as well as the preparation of guidance programs for the purpose of alleviating emotional and psychological disorders and psychological and social harmony, And the need to provide psychological and moral support for women heads of non-working families where the results of the study showed the existence of statistically significant differences between the average degrees of heads of households between working and non-working in the psychological and social compatibility of the head of household at the level of 0.05 Workers


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