A modern vision in performing fictional costume design in light of the prevailing fashion

Document Type : Original research articles



After completing the study of scientific ideas resulting from modern technical development, fiction movies in cinema, we can reach the following:
First : Imagination fashion patterns evolved with the development of the techniques of raw materials used as follows:
In the past, natural rubber and minerals were used in the manufacture of solid sensors with uniforms and then replaced with synthetic rubber (plastic) and fiberglass, as a result of their availability and their multi-purpose properties.  In the second half of the twentieth century.
The glossy textured material (disco) was used in fictional outfits, especially for those coming from space and future outfits.  Where it spread in the seventies and eighties of the last century.
The elastic flannel material that was widely used in fictional fashion before World War II was replaced by nylon and elastic lycra in fictional fashion since the 1960s.
The emergence of synthetic rubber-textured materials changed the look of the fairy costume, as this material supported the futuristic outlook for science fiction characters.  This material has been widely used in modern science fiction fashion
The entry of the sponge and the fiber as an internal filling of the fantasy costume, led to giving the costume a future shape as a result of giving the sponge and the fiber the possibility of making a prominent textile surface, confirmed the shape of the three-dimensional textile material, which carries multiple functions that penetrate inside the outfits as a concept of smart fashion in the future.
Using Kevlar and Nylon nylon material in astronaut fashion with science fiction cinema, to link these two materials with the astronaut's realistic outfit.
The conversion of the surface of the plastic material into a metal surface became easy due to the availability of the Docu mineral in liquid form, which covers the surface of the plastic material.
Second: The costume of imagination was affected by the technical development in the cinema as follows:
The color saturation value for the hue costume has changed from chemical cinema to digital cinema, as the color value has become more saturated and valuable than before.
Digital cinema has made it easier to control the tones of the color appearing on the screen as a result of the color processors that come into play during the montage and graphics.
Fantasy costume using the digital costume system is unique in some scenes of fantasy movies, in which the costumes were implemented with great realism within the computer to serve scenes of action and adventures, which are difficult to implement in real life.
Digital photography has made it possible to use reflective materials for lighting, and dark colors widely due to the ability to control the entry of light through the lens and the possibility of color processing by the graphic designer.
Third: Most of the fictional characters are of the simple type, which made the outfit important in clarifying the nature of the character directly by color, font or material, to make it easier for the viewer to track events and understand the scientific idea in the fiction movie.
Fourth: There are no limits governing the design of fantasy fashion due to the continuous development of human thought towards modern scientific applications, and the aspiration of a person for a better life and the launch of his creative artistic creativity.
Fifth: Each cinematic act is unique in a special case according to the requirements of the scenario and the team, which is reflected in the costumes that are formed from certain techniques controlled by the fashion designer in line with the director's vision.
Sixth :The costumes in the cinema of the imagination were influenced by the costumes drawn to the characters of book drawings directly, especially in terms of lines and colors, thanks to the books drawings in designing the rubber costume of the fictional characters, and this design is considered a classic of fictional fashion.
Seventh: The science fiction costumes in cinema were influenced by the specifications of the futurim style thought that envisioned the outfit of the future with certain standards, according to the vision of thinkers and scholars.
Eighth: The work of the fashion designer is not limited to films specialized in fiction, but the fashion designers vary in their approach to the quality of cinematic works, according to what is presented to them, but the designers who were nominated in the works of fiction are distinguished by their previous experience in dealing with military, police and fantasy films.
Ninth: Fantasy fashions painted new fancy styles of outfits that have become reality in recent years on the ground, such as robotic and smart costumes, which appeared since the eighties of the twentieth century in fantasy cinema.

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