Family dialogue and its impact on building the leadership personality of a pre-school child

Document Type : Original research articles



The researcher conducted this research to detect the impact of family dialogue in building the leading personality of the pre-school child. In this research, the researcher depends on analytical descriptive approach and all its data has been completed via some research tools including (The general data form, the family dialogue measure and the personality building measure for the pre-school child) (prepared by the researcher). The research basic sample includes a purposive sample of 275 Saudi mothers of different social and economic levels in Jeddah city. Provided she has a child or female child in early childhood at the age of 2-6 years. The necessary statistical analyses have been done to find out the conclusions and be sure of the hypotheses validity. The most important finding that there're differences with statistical significance among the mean of the sample's individuals marks in family dialogue according to the study variables (gender- age- Siblings birth order- mother's age- mother's educational level- mother's work, the family number- monthly income) at significance level  (0.01). This study also clarifies that there's differences with statistical significance among the mean of the sample's individuals marks in building the personality according to the study variables (gender- age- Siblings birth order- mother's age- mother's educational level- mother's work, the family number- monthly income) at significance level  (0.01). The research findings show that the mother's education was one of the most effective and influential factors on the family dialogue at percentage of 76.3%, followed by the mother's age at percentage of 68.1%, then the father's education in the third rank at percentage of 61.9% and finally in the fourth rank the father's job at percentage of 54.6%. Whereas the findings show that the father's education was one of the most effective and influential factors on the building the personality for the pre-school child at percentage of 83.7%, followed by the mother's education at percentage of 71.8%, then the father's job in the third rank at percentage of 64.5% and finally in the fourth rank the mother's work at percentage of 57.4%. The most important axis of the family dialogue is the narrative method at percentage of 23.4%, followed by the quiet dialogue at percentage of 21.6%, then good example comes in the third rank at percentage of 20.4% , the fourth rank self-recreation method  at percentage of 18.5%, finally in the fifth rank comes the direct dialogue 16.1%. In the light of findings, the researcher recommends with the necessity of taking care of family dialogue by parents and taking some positive methods of family dialogue to deal by it with children specially pre-school children and activating the role of training courses, cultural seminars of the family members to prepare the future leaders via using family dialogue methods among them.  

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