Developing Social Responsibility and Psychological Safety for Preparatory Students

Document Type : Original research articles



       The current research aims to desing a proposed unit in home economics curriculum for the third grade in the light of human rights concepts, measuring its effects for developing their social responsibility and their psychological safety. The research depends on the experimental design of two groups: experimental group, (38) students, controller group, (36) students, applied the research tools which included (measure of social responsibility - measure of psychological safety) before and after teaching the proposed unit.
   Has the results showed statistically significant differences at the level of (0.01) between the average performance of the students in the experimental and controller group in the pre and post applications for measure of social responsibility, and measure of psychological safety in favor of the experimental group.
     also the results revealed the presence of a positive correlation between the growth of social responsibility and the sense of psychological safety to the students.
    In light of research results, the researcher recommended the necessity to include the subject of human rights in the curriculum of different educational stages, as well as the necessity to train teachers on the new strategies that enhance the students' sense of social responsibility and psychological safety

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