Awareness of the housewife by the services of family and childhood institutions and its relationship to some of demographic variables and performance level of its workers

Document Type : Original research articles



The research aims to study the awareness of  the housewife by the services  of family and childhood institutions and also aims to reveal the nature of the relationship between awareness of the  housewife by these services by its  three hubs (Information, practices, trends) and the level  of workers performance for these services as well as revealing of the nature of the relationship between the awareness of  the  housewife by the services of family and childhood institutions by its  three hubs (Information, practices, trends) and some demographic variables (the number of family members, the education level of the couple, family income) and also to reveal the nature of the relationship between the level of workers performance for the services at family and childhood  institutions and some social variables (age , level of education) and to determine the differences between the study sample of housewives in the awareness by the services of family and childhood institutions  by its three hubs according to (place of residence, the work of the housewife) and to reveal the variation among the study sample of the housewives in the awareness by the services of family and childhood institutions by its three hubs according to (the number of family members, the couple's level of education, household income, the profession of the couple).
In addition, the research tools formed of the family general data form, (the housewife awareness by the services of family and childhood institutions) questionnaire, the workers general data form and a questionnaire on the level of workers performance for the services at family and childhood institutions.
 They were applied on a sample consisting of 200 housewives that were selected by a random intentionally way from different social and economic levels; also they were applied on a sample of 200 workers at the family and childhood institutions that were selected by a random intentionally way.
One of the most important results of the research is that there is statistically significant positive correlation at 0.001 between the housewives awareness by the services of the family and childhood institutions and the level of workers performance at these institutions and there are statistically significant differences at significance level of 0.05 in the housewife trends and awareness by the services of family and childhood institutions depending on the place of residence at in favor of rural housewives and there are statistically significant differences at significance level of 0.01 in the housewife awareness by the services of the family and childhood institutions depending on the work  in favor of not working housewives while there is no statistically significant variation  in awareness of the study sample housewives by the services of the family and childhood institutions by its hubs (information, practices and trends) according to their level of education.
The researcher recommends the family and childhood institutions to hold seminars for the housewives to clarify the role and services of family and childhood institutions, to train the  family and childhood institutions workers to perform their important role in helping the housewives, to activate the family and childhood institutions working time at evening as in the morning to make the working housewives take advantage of its services and to interest in and to monitor the work of family and childhood  institutions and to activate its activities at urban areas as at rural areas.

Main Subjects