Benefitting from the Nubian Heritage in Designing Contemporary Clothes on the Dress-Stand

Document Type : Original research articles



The study dealt with innovating designs for women that were taken from the Nubian heritage, eighteen layouts have been designed and implemented using the mannequin design method, Then measuring the opinions of a sample of fashion professionals (mannequin Field - fashion design – clothes manufacturing) towards the designs according to some Variables (Academic degree - field of specialization - years of experience) And that’s for the axes of (Elements and foundations of design - the aesthetic aspect - suitability for the target group - the link with the features of the Nubian heritage), And the number of that sample is thirty-five. In addition, another 114 samples of women’s opinions about the designs were surveyed according to specific variables (Education level - work - age - size). The opinions of the two samples were surveyed by means of two questionnaires prepared for this purpose; the results of the specialists showed that the best responses to overall research designs were in favor of higher academic degrees, longer experience, and mannequin specialization. The results of the consuming women showed that their responses to the overall designs were in favor of women with higher levels of education, for those who work, for older ages, and for the two average sizes. Also, it was evident from the results of measuring the opinions of both professional and consumer samples towards the eighteen best designs, that the two samples were found to be acceptable for the level of all the submitted designs, but with varied differences.

Main Subjects