Potential Effect of Milk Thistle ( ) on Liver Disorders Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride

Document Type : Original research articles



This study was conducted to investigate the effect of milk thistle on rats with induced by carbon tetrachloride Thirty mature albino rats weighting 150-160 gm B.wt. each were used, and divided into 6 equal groups, one was kept as a control (- ve) group, while the other groups were injected s/c by (0.2 ml/kg)  carbon tetrachloride twice a week for Two weeks.  The used plants were given as a percent of 0.5% ,1%,1.5% and 2% from the basel diet., Serum liver function (AST, ALT and ALP), total cholesterol and triglycerides, lipoproteins (HDL-c, LDL-c, VLDL-c) were determined   kidney functions (urea, creatinine, uric acid). The obtained results concluding that feeding with milk thistle  herb improved, liver functions, kidney functions and lipid profile.


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