Assessment of Nutritional Status of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Document Type : Original research articles



The present study was designed to determine the nutritional status and anthropometric measurements of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Ninety-one of new diagnosed multiple sclerosis patients had thirty-four males and fifty-seven females from El Demerdash and El Kasr El- Einy hospital, in Cairo. The  nutritional  status  of  patients  was  determined by  a  3-day  and  24-hour  dietary  record  and  a  food frequency  questionnaire.  Body composition was analyzed by body mass index was calculated. The Nutrient Data Base  (DRI)  program  was  used  to  evaluate  the energy and nutrient intakes of patients and compared with  Dietary  Reference  Intakes recommendations. Blood  samples  were  collected  and C.B.C  lipid  profiles,  thyroid hormanes, renal and liver function were analyzed. and Using statistical analysis of the data analysis was conducted test (T.test) to test the statistical significance of the differences between males and females been making comparisons between two gender have been using the level of statistical significance when (P <0.05) . The results showed that females with multiple sclerosis suffer from overweight, while males were at a normal weight. The results showed that there were significant differences between males and females in the daily intake of energy, protein, carbohydrates and fats, so the rate of males' consumption of macronutrients was higher than that of females. On the other hand there were non-significant differences (p≤0.05)  between  gender in T3, TSH and  VTdB. there were non-significant differences (p≤0.05)  between  gender in HDL, LDL and T.G. so results showed that patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) suffer from Hyperlipidemia and Hypothyroidism.
In conclusion, this study points to a possible correlation between nutritional status and MS. in both male and female the administration of balance nutrients can lower the side effects of MS and improve the health status


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