Time Management Skills And Their Relation To Roles Conflict Among Working Women

Document Type : Original research articles


Dep. of Home management, Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University Egypt


The main objective of the research is to study the skills of time management in its dimensions (goal setting, planning, organization, implementation, evaluation) and its relation to the role conflict among women working in its dimensions (women's role in the home, women's view of their duties at work). The analytical descriptive method was used by applying the study tools prepared by the researcher, such as: (Initial Data Form, Time Management Skills Questionnaire, Roles Conflict Questionnaire) The basic study sample consisted of (150) married women who were selected in a deliberately objective manner from different social and economic levels from the governorate of Qaliubia and Cairo. The appropriate statistical methods were used to derive the descriptive results and the results in light of hypotheses.
Main results:
-     There is a positive correlation between the skills of time management dimensions and the conflict roles in dimensions at the level of significance (0.01), (0.05).
-     There are statistically significant differences among the sample members in the time management skills in their dimensions according to the level of education in favor of the higher education level.
-     There were statistically significant differences among the sample members in the skills of time management in dimensions according to the monthly income of the family was in favor of the high level.
-     There were statistically significant differences among the respondents in the conflict of roles according to their educational level, in favor of the low level of education.
-     There were statistically significant differences among the respondents in the conflict of roles in dimensions according to the monthly income of the family was in favor of the low level.
The study presented a number of recommendations, the most important of which were the holding of seminars and lectures at women's gathering centers such as family planning centers to sensitize women to the importance of time management skills because of their positive impact on the family and society. Ways to deal with different pressures in a positive.


Main Subjects